Have you been wondering: What in the world is going on in our chaotic world? We are seeing Muslim rage rapidly spreading across the globe,impending Mideast War & teetering world economies,along with rising quake & volcanic activity. These events were prophesied thousands of years ago in the pages of the Bible! The news headlines of today are examined showing their perfect alignment with end times prophecy! So, we can see not only what this all means, but also to where we are headed!
Due to this intervention, Assad may make good on his promise to "shower rockets"
on Tel Aviv.
This tactic that Assad has threatened would successfully shift the focus
from Syria to Israel, by making Israel the new military front.
In response to Assad's threats to shower
rockets on Tel Aviv, "Western intelligence sources had reported that
Israel reacted with the warning of its own:
'If a single Syrian missile explodes in Tel Aviv, Damascus will be first to pay the price' ":
These very real threats appear to provide overwhelming evidence why we
may soon see "Damascus being the first to "pay the price", resulting in
the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:
Isaiah 17:1 Behold, DAMASCUS WILL CEASE TO BE A CITY will become a heap of ruins.
see this previous entry for more details regarding this last days
prophecy, wherein Damascus ceases to be a city and becomes a heap of